
Japanese avangarde leftist progressive jazz-rock band;Taiyo Koumon Supaparn(also known as 'The Sun,An Anus,Splush!')'s 4th full album (2LP record) "Requiem for Kokichi Tsuburaya" is now being recorded!
A video through making of the album is directed by Yu Kajino(A-Un, Sekai ni Hitotsu dake no Hana), and the recording report has just arrived!
Let's listen and watch carefully, and apply for the limited time special pre-order now!
If you sign up for the pre-order + subscribe to our Youtube channel ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBokIU4LV6aLnCD0-y0t1A ), you'll get a free badge made by Takashi Imashiro, the artist behind the classic Japanese manga series "Demeking" and "Hearts & Minds"! (*You can't get the pre-order LP until it's ready, but the badge will arrive soon.
 And also the right to participate the chorus as one of the members! (We have to carefully select the number of people at Covid19, so there will be a screening process, but please let us know if you would like to be one of the members.
Mail to taiyoukoumonn@gmail.com NOW




 皆さん、熟聴・熟視して今すぐ期間限定お得な先行予約に申し込もう!先行予約申し込み+youtubeチャンネル( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLBokIU4LV6aLnCD0-y0t1A )登録してくれた方【もちろん無料で登録できます】には、ナ・ナ・何と!あの日本漫画史上屈指の名作「デメキング」「ハーツ&マインズ」のいましろたかし画伯作の五輪獣バッジが漏れなくついてくる!!(※先行予約のLPは出来てからじゃないとgetできないけど、バッヂはすぐ届きます。年内にこれをつけて街を歩けば、あなたはモテモテの伊達男/女/その他!)



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